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Intake interview

This is where it all starts, from getting to know each other up till the tailor made plan of action.

In the intake interview we get to know each other and we”ll talk about the farm specifics.Where are we now, where would you like to be? What are the weak spots, the limiting factors. Further wishes and possible actions will be discussed.

The technical results will be subject to examination and the current state or fase the farm is in will be talked through:

  1. Which actions are currently being taken when it comes to ideas instigated by your vet, feed company or yourself? Which goals are set for the farm?
  2. Which actions need to be taken to achieve those goals?
  3. What support do you need und which are the limiting factors?


Are your set goals SMART?
(Specific, Measurable, Action orientated, Result orientated and Time limited)​​​​​​​

Based on the above a follow up appointment, visiting the farm, is planned.
